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public opinion 輿論;民意。

public opinion poll

Strategic thinking on the guiding role of public opinion 新形勢下輿論引導的戰略思考

He didn ' t seem to mind public opinion in the least 他對公眾輿論似乎一點都不在乎。

Deserves an advocate in the court of public opinion 在輿論面前都是值得提倡

Domestic public opinion had turned against the war 國內的公眾輿論反對戰爭。

Newspapers are often barometers of public opinion 報紙常是反應輿論動態的晴雨表。

The closing of the hospital has outraged public opinion 關閉那所醫院激起了公憤。

The news public opinion supervision and news infringement 新聞輿論監督與新聞侵權

Public opinion seemed sympathetic to this proposal 民意似乎是支持這項提議的。

Main bodys misplacement of public opinion supervision 輿論監督主體角色錯位的思考

The guidance of tv programs to social public opinions 談電視節目對社會輿論的疏導

Public opinion should be reflect in the diet 公眾的意見應該在國會里反映出來。

We decide everything according to public opinion 我們根據大眾的觀點決定一切事情

“ you can ' t brave public opinion , “ i said “您總不能不顧外界的輿論吧, ”我說。

On misunderstandings of supervision under public opinion 淺析輿論監督的幾個誤區

On supervision by public opinion and judicial independence 論輿論監督與司法獨立

The newspaper is the great medium of communication within the city, and it is on the basis of the information which it supplies that public opinion rests . 報紙是城市范圍內通訊傳遞的重要手段。公眾輿論正是以報紙所提供的信息為基礎的。

In this context it is now evident that we will need some time to position the public opinion at home in the event that talks break down . 在這方面,顯然我們將需要有一段時間,以便使國內的公眾輿論對萬一談到失敗有思想準備。

I rejected the formulation, saying that it jeopardized the entire relationship because american public opinion would never stand for it . 我拒絕了這個方案,我說這會破壞整個關系,因為美國的公眾輿論決不會答應的。

Since public opinion is so important in america, its leaders are always aware of what the people think when they act . 輿論在美國極為重要,所以美國的領袖們一言一行,永遠要顧及人民的想法。